
Square Eyes Film

Square Eyes is a sales company based in Vienna, that helps outstanding non-mainstream films find the audience and recognition they deserve. We specialise in representing bold, author-driven features and shorts, that are willing to take narrative and aesthetic risks. We collaborate closely with filmmakers to devise bespoke festival distribution and sales strategies. By limiting our portfolio, we ensure that each film we work with receives the attention it needs to reach its fullest potential. Square Eyes has a proven track-record for identifying ...

Square Eyes is a sales company based in Vienna, that helps outstanding non-mainstream films find the audience and recognition they deserve. We specialise in representing bold, author-driven features and shorts, that are willing to take narrative and aesthetic risks. We collaborate closely with filmmakers to devise bespoke festival distribution and sales strategies. By limiting our portfolio, we ensure that each film we work with receives the attention it needs to reach its fullest potential.

Square Eyes has a proven track-record for identifying films that might struggle to secure traditional theatrical distribution, but which have the potential to thrive by adopting an alternative release strategy.

    Square Eyes Film
    Habichergasse 39/3
    1160 Wien 16 [ Ottakring ]
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