
Film Info

Spanien, Deutschland 2023 | 83 min. Regie: Isabel Herguera
kein Angebot eingestellt


Habichergasse 39/3
1160 Wien 16


Elbchaussee 28
22765 Hamburg

Sultana’s Dream


Inés a Spanish artist lives in India and stumbles upon Sultana's Dream, a science fiction story written by Rokeya Hossain in 1905. It describes Ladyland, a utopia in which women rule the country while men live in seclusion and are responsible for household chores. Fascinated by the story Inés embarks on a journey across the country to search for the one place where women can live in peace.
'With wit and a certain ironic humour, through original and fascinating visual and sound materials, symbolic colours, images, music and sounds that evoke the depth of the film, they recreate the dreamlike world'

Cast & Crew

  • Regie
    Isabel Herguera


Best Basque Film & Best Basque Screenplay – SSIFF, San Sebastian
Hamburg Producer Award for International Cinema Co-Productions – 31 FFHH
66 DOK Leipzig
36 IDFA – Best of Fests
65 Nordic Film Days Lübeck
Mostra Sao Paulo IFF
Seminci Valladolid IFF
Tokyo International Film Festival
Jio MAMI Mumbai Film Festival
45 FF Max Ophüls Preis
28 FF Schleswig-Holstein
21 Millenium Docs Against Gravity
Grand Prix Contrechamp – Annecy Festival
nominated for Quirino Award for the Best Ibero-American Animation Feature Film
One World Praha
37th European Film Awards Nominee
eligible for consideration in the Animated Feature Film – OSCAR® 2025


Habichergasse 39/3
1160 Wien 16


Elbchaussee 28
22765 Hamburg

Cast & Crew

Isabel Herguera
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