
Film Info

Demokratische Republik Kongo, Belgien, Deutschland 2024 | 95 min. Regie: Nelson Makengo
kein Angebot eingestellt


Habichergasse 39/3
1160 Wien 16


Heidestrasse 54
10557 Berlin



Tonga Saa


Kinshasa, the capital of 17 million people, is plunged into darkness and insecurity, and its inhabitants are struggling to gain access to light. In a relentless quest, Kudi mobilizes the people of his neighborhood to buy a stolen cable in order to restore electricity in time for the end- of-year festivities. The committee gathers a group of mostly women and goes door-to-door to pay for the cable in the Kisenso neighborhood. At Christmas, Kudi turns into Santa Claus. Flashes of light and hope animate the streets of Kinshasa. 
At the same time, at Mount Mangengenge, a holy place that overlooks the city, Pastor Gédéon preaches the light of Christ as the path to life and truth. For his part, Davido seeks shelter because his house has been flooded by the Congo River. While observing the city, he sings, between discouragement and resilience. With a community of young men, he kills time by working out, dreaming of a better future. Tongo Saa is a subtle portrait of a population that, despite the challenges it faces, is reinventing itself in an environment that is plagued by violence, coloured by the uncertainty of tomorrow, and immersed in the beauty of Kinshasa’s nights.

Cast & Crew


74 BERLINALE Panorama
Jury Award offered by Région de Nyon – 55 Visions du Réel
21 Africa FF Cologne [Afrika Film Festival Köln]
37 IDFA – Best of Fests
41 Kassel Dokfest


Habichergasse 39/3
1160 Wien 16


Heidestrasse 54
10557 Berlin

Cast & Crew

Nelson Makengo
Rosa Spaliviero (Twenty Nine Studio, Belgium), Dada Kahindo Siku (Mutotu Productions, Democratic Republic of the Congo), Florian Schewe (Film Five GmbH, Germany), Michel K. Zongo (Diam Production), Marie Logie and Catherine Plenevaux (Auguste Orts), Samuel Feller (Magellan Films)
Nelson Makengo
Inneke Van Waeyenberghe
Moimi Wezam (recording), Laszlo Umbreit (editing), Rémi Gerard (mixing)
Franck Moka
Bao Sissoko, Wouter Vandenabeele, Lode Vercampt
Miléna Trivier


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