

Documentary film is what we do. Navigator Film stands for socio-political filmmaking in the field of documentary, following in the tradition of auteur filmmaking. We focus on producing documentary works – be it theatrical films, TV docs or other audiovisual formats – which take a distinct and personal approach to discovering new things and challenging traditional views. Seeing instead of illustrating. Aiming to open people's eyes. Navigator Film was established in 1992 in Vienna, Austria. Alongside our own productions and our work to convey outstanding ...

Documentary film is what we do. Navigator Film stands for socio-political filmmaking in the field of documentary, following in the tradition of auteur filmmaking. We focus on producing documentary works – be it theatrical films, TV docs or other audiovisual formats – which take a distinct and personal approach to discovering new things and challenging traditional views. Seeing instead of illustrating. Aiming to open people's eyes.
Navigator Film was established in 1992 in Vienna, Austria. Alongside our own productions and our work to convey outstanding documentary positions we also champion the interests of documentary filmmaking in Austria. In 2000 Navigator Film was instrumental in founding dok.at (the Austrian documentary film association). In 2004 Navigator Film and other partners founded the world sales company Autlook Filmsales which is based in Vienna. Navigator Film is a member of EDN (European Documentary Network) and the aafp (Association of Austrian Film Producers).

Büro: +43 1 5249777

    NAVIGATOR FILM Produktion KG
    Schottenfeldgasse 14
    1070 Wien 07 [ Neubau ]
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