Klingt so:
HINWEIS: Im Jahr 2024 starten die Konzerte im LOFT in der Regel gegen 20 Uhr - das LOFT öffnet jeweils um 19.30 Uhr.
Ausnahmen (bis Ostern): Sonntags-Konzerte (Beginn: gegen 18 Uhr, soweit nicht anders angekündigt)
weitere nformationen zu den Preisen, Karten-Reservierungen und den Öffnungszeiten hier:
The two musicians are driven by the same question: What can my instrument be? How can my own instrument, based on the saxophone and trombone, be transformed by the limitless possibilities of electronic sound production? How can a playing form be found in which the qualities from both areas do not negate each other? Spontaneity and physicality, programming and control. Leonhard Huhn feeds his saxophone signal into a complex system of mutually modulating electronic units and is inspired by controllable chaos. Moritz Wesp uses sensors to capture the feel and mechanics of trombone playing and then digitally resynthesizes and manipulates his trombone sound. Together they discover their experimental setups in an improvisational manner.
Sounds like this:
NOTE: In 2024, the concerts at the LOFT will start round 8pm - the LOFT opens approx. 30min before the concerts begin.
Exceptions (until Eastern): Sunday Concerts (start approx at 6pm, if not noted otherwise).
Information about prices, ticket reservations and our opening times can be found here:
- 17.03.2025, 20:00 Uhr
Blind Io: Laubrock · De Looze · Mori · Verbruggen | live recording
- 18.03.2025, 20:00 Uhr
Niklas Lukassen: Still Waters Run Deep
- 20.03.2025, 20:00 Uhr
double Duo: Paul Walke & Tabea Kind | Kateryna Kravchenko & Arthur Clees
- 21.03.2025, 20:00 Uhr
Janning Trumann x Nosacrum
- 22.03.2025, 20:00 Uhr
The Sephardics meet Elliott Sharp – Sephardische Dialoge III | live recording
- 24.03.2025, 20:00 Uhr
Sonic Fiction Special feat. Earl Howard | Mitschnitt für den Deutschlandfunk
- 26.03.2025, 20:00 Uhr
Magí Garcías & Diego Hervalejo: Refractio Vol. II – Debussy
- 27.03.2025, 20:00 Uhr
Bachelorkonzert: Jakob Görris - Schlagzeug | live recording
- 31.03.2025, 20:00 Uhr
Nabatov · Kintopf · Parzhuber | live recording
Edwards · Hubweber · Wissel
- virtuelle Posaune
- Saxophon & modularer Synthesizer