Keine Ahnung
Ein Projekt von Andy Zondag mit Texten von Nele Stuhler mit englischen Übertiteln
“ I – stand - for – myself.“ (Kim de l’Horizon) — A human being has a body, that much is certain. This body moves in a specific manner. The movements it executes are determined by experience, education, memory – and by ascriptions. This body, belonging to that human being, is going through a lot during its lifetime; it will transform, learn, and adapt. So far, so good. What else? In the meeting of body and language, friction ensues. The speech act is transferred into movement, and all the material stored may well gain a wholly different poignancy. Thus, the stage space becomes a field for experimentation. Author Nele Stuhler, in her text, asks what it could mean to not comprehend one’s own cluelessness as a limitation but rather as the foundation to encounter the world. Choreographer Andy Zondag and actor Jorid Lukaczik take this question as well as the text as the starting point for their work. What will come out of it? No idea.
Mehr zum Tanz unter www.theaterbremen.de/tanz
- 15.03.2025, 16:00 Uhr
Drinnen und Draußen
- 18.03.2025, 10:30 Uhr
Drinnen und Draußen
- 19.03.2025, 10:30 Uhr
Drinnen und Draußen
- 20.03.2025, 10:30 Uhr
Drinnen und Draußen
- 22.03.2025, 16:00 Uhr
Drinnen und Draußen
- 24.03.2025, 10:30 Uhr
Drinnen und Draußen
- 28.03.2025, 10:30 Uhr
- 29.03.2025, 19:00 Uhr
- 30.03.2025, 19:00 Uhr
- Mit:
- Choreografie
- Bühne und Kostüme
- Licht
- Musik und Video
- Dramaturgie Theresa Schlesinger