
Film Info

2023 | 90 min. Regie: Nadine Neumann, Dietrich Duppel, Dana Wolfe
kein Angebot eingestellt


Dasselstr. 75-77
50674 Köln
Tel. +49 221 16819743 http://www.newdocs.de


Tel. +49 30 69566910 Tel. +49 40 414945729 https://gebrueder-beetz.de/en/



Euromaidan – Chronik eines angekündigten Krieges

90 or 52min | English, German, French version


Examining the complexity of events in Ukraine since 2013, experts from all sides of the global political stage look at how the Maidan Square protests marked the start of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in 2022.

EUROMAIDAN – DIARY OF A WAR FORETOLD examines the complexity of events that have unfolded in Ukraine since the Euromaidan protests in 2013/14. Ten years after the revolution that started in Kyiv, Russia invaded its neighbouring country. After years of fighting in eastern Ukraine, the entire country is now under attack. Was this development predictable? If it was – who could have stopped it? Together with Ukrainian documentary film-maker Alina Gorlova and international historians, intelligence experts and politicians, we analyse the history of the ongoing power struggle between Russia, the US and the EU for the first time, and we take a look at the direct impact this has had on Ukraine. Gorlova's outstanding film footage, some of which has never been released before, alternates between poetry and scenes of horror. It is a central element of the documentary and represents the voices of many young Ukrainians. The film decodes Ukraine's DNA, Putin's understanding of power, but also EU and US responses, by examining different perspectives, such as that of leading Eastern Europe experts, former members of the CIA and FSB, as well as contemporary witnesses who helped shape world politics and now analyse for us the complex geopolitical context. It is a story of wounded vanity, perceived isolation, but also of the civil strength of a nation that is still trying to find itself.
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