
credo:film GmbH

In 2001, the Berlin-based film production company credo:film GmbH was founded by Susann Schimk and Jörg Trentmann. They produce unique, compelling, and emotional feature and documentary films for both cinema and television. Their films regularly screen at major documentary and feature film festivals both in Germany and abroad and have received numerous prestigious awards, such as the German Film Award for FREI NACH PLAN and WAS AM ENDE ZÄHLT, the Max Ophüls Prize for TORPEDO and WIR, the Robert Geisendörfer Prize for 7 BRÜDER, and multiple Grimme ...

In 2001, the Berlin-based film production company credo:film GmbH was founded by Susann Schimk and Jörg Trentmann. They produce unique, compelling, and emotional feature and documentary films for both cinema and television.
Their films regularly screen at major documentary and feature film festivals both in Germany and abroad and have received numerous prestigious awards, such as the German Film Award for FREI NACH PLAN and WAS AM ENDE ZÄHLT, the Max Ophüls Prize for TORPEDO and WIR, the Robert Geisendörfer Prize for 7 BRÜDER, and multiple Grimme Prize and Prix Europa nominations for UNTER KONTROLLE, NACH DEM BRAND, and DIE BOXERIN among others.
credo:films are made to stand the test of time.
In 2022, credo:film GmbH merged with solo:film GmbH - www.solofilmproduktion.de

Büro: +49 30 2576240
Tel.: +49 30 25762422

    credo:film GmbH
    Schiffbauerdamm 13
    10117 Berlin [ Mitte ]
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