
Film Info

Deutschland 2010 | 80 min. Regie: Angela Zumpe
Video VoD / live


FSK ab 6 Jahren



West Berlin, Lankwitz. In May 1968, my 21-year-old brother Reinhard announced to my father, my mother and myself that within a few days he would be moving over to the GDR and applying for East German citizenship. Contacts were broken off.My brother committed suicide in January of 1969, on a sunday morning, while my father, a Berlin minister, read the sermon to his community.The film is a search for traces - in the time between reception camp and his death8 months later, for possible stations of my brother in East Germany, who was disappointed that there was no revolution in the West. In the course of my search I encounter Salomea G., who consciously chose theother system and Henriette S., who moved to the GDR with her mother as ateenager. A search for the history and the allure of the other part of Germany, narrated some decades after the events and from the point of view of a woman from West- Berlin. ( Angela Zumpe)

Cast & Crew


2011 13. Festival des Deutschen Films in Madrid - Madrid
2010 Filmmesse Leipzig - Leipzig
2010 8th Palace Film Festival - Balchik, Bulgaria
2010 ACHTUNG BERLIN - Berlin
2010 DOK-Woche Leipzig „Best of MDR“ - Leipzig


FSK ab 6 Jahren

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