
Film Info

Norwegen, Deutschland 2021 | 60 min. Regie: Ina Pillat
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The Subharchord – A Future that Never Happened


In 1968 three Norwegians cross the border from West to East Berlin. They wanted to inquire about an early synthesizer that was far ahead of its time, the Subharchord.

A charming trip on the trail of a sound generator from the GDR, of which only three exist in the world today. Cold War technology and retro-futuristic sounds from a future that could have been.
You are forgiven if the analog-electronic instrument Subharchord does not strike a chord with you – it could well be because only three copies of it still exist today! Join us on a warm, whimsical journey across time and place in search of a future that could have been. East Germany wanted to take the lead in the technology race with the West in the 1950s , and with the Subharchord they created the sound of the future. The cutting-edge music was used in TV programmes and avant-garde cartoons. But what happened next? In the present, the inventor travels to Norway to reunite with one of the instruments and learn about the past – and the possible future. Can the Subharchord be rescued from oblivion?
The Subhardchord was invented in the 1950’s GDR as a symbol of the technology race between East and West. With the fall of the Berlin Wall, the Subhardcord was forgotten and the creator, Gerhard Steinke, is now trying to investigate what became of the last copies of his invention. [CPH:DOX]

With: Gerhard Steinke, Klaus Bechstein, Georg Geike, Bjørn Roar Svensson, Gunnar Sønstevold, Synne Skouen, Morte Thomte, Dr. Klausjörg Herrmann, Heinz Kaiser, Geir Jenssen, Stephen Howell, Krzysztof Slifirski,


BIFF - Bergen International Film Festival
CPH:DOX Sound & Vision
UNERHÖRT! Musikfilmfestival, Hamburg
Sheffield Sensoria / Synthfest UK
Berlin Soundwatch,
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