
Film Info

Deutschland 2011 | 88 min. Regie: Valentin Thurn
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Sonnenstr. 21
80331 München
Tel. +49 89 558760 Fax +49 89 55876188 http://www.telepool.de


Neven-DuMont-Str. 14
50667 Köln
Marsiliusstraße 36
50937 Köln



Taste The Waste


Why do we throw away so much? And how can we stop this kind of waste?
Amazing but true: On the way from the farm to the dining-room table, more than half the food lands on the dump. Most of it before it ever reaches consumers. For instance every other head of lettuce or potato.

When it comes right down to it, no one actually thinks this is okay: Food is not something to be thrown away “because others have nothing to eat”, as younger people would say, and as for the elderly: “I was around during the war and we were glad to get our hands on every crust of bread!” That’s one side of the story. They discover the other side when they venture a look into dumpsters: behind their local supermarket and, if they can summon up enough courage, in the trash cans outside their own door. We’re not talking about chicken bones and potato peels here. The topic at hand is perfectly edible food, some still in the original packaging, and frequently enough not even the ‘best before’ date has expired. Around 100 pounds per household each year. Even more, about twice as much, is ‘rejected’ on fields, in factories and at retailers.

Why are ever-greater quantities being destroyed? We seek explanations: from supermarket sales staff and managers, from bakers, wholesale market inspectors, welfare recipients, ministers, farmers and EU bureaucrats. It’s a system that we all take part in: Supermarkets constantly have the complete selection of merchandise on offer, the bread on the shelves has to be fresh until late in the evening, strawberries are in demand at any time of the year. And everything has to look just right: One withered leaf of lettuce, a crack in a potato or a dent in an apple and the goods are sorted out; containers of yogurt as early as two days before the ‘sell by’ date has expired.

Agriculture is responsible for more than a third of the greenhouse gases worldwide because farming requires energy, fertilizers and land. What’s more, whenever food rots away at a garbage dump, methane escapes into the atmosphere, a climate gas with an effect 25 times as powerful as carbon dioxide. In other words, when we waste half of our food that has a disastrous impact on the world climate.

And on famine, too. My mother always reminded me to eat everything on my plate: “Children in Africa would be glad to have that food.” We children never took her seriously. How were the leftovers on our plates supposed to get to African children? Yet my mother’s statement proved to be as good as prophetic. The rising prices of wheat clearly illustrate the point: These days we buy our food on the same world market where developing countries buy theirs. If we threw away less and bought less as a result, the prices would drop and more would be left for the hungry.

Cast & Crew


Germany: Atlantis Environment- and Nature- Film Festival, Best Film 2011
Czech Republic: 37. EKOFILM International Film Festival on the Environment and Natural
and Cultural Heritage: Documentary Film Award 2011
Slovak Republic: 38th International Festival of Sustainable Development Films –
ekotopfilm 2011: GRAND PRIX EKOTOPFILM 2011 – Prize of the Government of the
Slovak Republic
Armenia: SunChild Film Festival 2011, Special mention in the Environmental Film
Romania: International Festival of Ecology and Environment Protection Films 2011,
Grand Prix, Marele Premiu Eco Fest Oradea
Hungary: Plaquette of the International Scientific Film Festival 2011, Szolnok
China: Sichuan TV Festival, Nomination for the International “ Gold Panda” Award 2011,
Best Long Documentary in the category of Nature & Environment
Germany: Environmental media award of the Deutsche Umwelthilfe 2011
Germany: Audience Award, third place, by the readers of the Thüringer Allgemeine
Germany: Audience Award, „Goldene Zwiebel“, Best Documenatry Film by the Repetory
Cinema in Esslingen
Germany: Hoimar-von-Ditfurth-Preis of the Deutsche Umwelthilfe for the best
journalistic achievement (together with the film "Radioaktive Wölfe")
Belgium: Imagé Santé Festival, Liège, first prize in the Environment session
Germany: Readers Award 2011 by the Webseite „Lovelybooks“ for “Die Essensvernichter”
– book to the film „Taste the Waste“, 3. Place in the non-fiction book category

Berlinale 2011, Culinary Cinema, Germany
CinemAmbiente 2011, Environmental Film Festival, Torino, Italy
Ecrans Noirs Festival 2011, Kamerun
Seoul Int. Youth Film Festival 2011, South Korea
Natur Vision Film Festival 2011, Germany
Fünf Seen Filmfestival 2011, Germany
Montreal World Film Festival 2011, Canada
Cambridge Film Festival 2011, UK
ATLANTIS Natur- und Umweltfilmfest 2011, Germany
International Scientific Film Festival Szolnok 2011, Hungary
Darsser Naturfilm Festival 2011, Germany
Vancouver Film Fest 2011, Canada, series on the environment
ECOFILM 2011, Czech Republic
Beirut International Film Festival 2011, Lebanon, culinary section
“Alimenterre” International Doc Film Festival 2011, Czech Republic
Abu Dhabi Film Festival 2011, United Arab Emirates
SunChild International Environmental Festival 2011, Yerevan, Armenia
ekotopfilm 2011 - International Festival of Sustainable Development Films, Bratislawa,
Slovak Republic
International Festival of Ecology and Environment Protection Films 2011, Romania
Human Rights Nights-Festival 2011, Bologna, Italy
Sichuan TV Festival 2011, Kategorie Natur und Umwelt, Sichuan, China
UMUNDU - Festival for sustainable consumption 2011, Dresden, Germany
One World Film Festival 2011, Berlin, Germany
Best of INPUT Film Festival 2011, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
Santa Barbara International Film Festival 2012, USA
Victoria Film Festival 2012, Canada
Environmental Film Festival in the Nation’s Capital 2012, Washington, USA
San Francisco Green Film Festival 2012, USA
Salt Spring Film Festival 2012, Canada
ONE World International Human Rights Documentary Film Festival 2012, Czech Republic
Imagé Santé 2012, International Health Film Festival, Liège, Belgium
FIGRA 2012, le Grand Reportage d’Actualité et le Documentaire de Société, France
Festival du Film Vert 2012, Switzerland and France
Glopolis Film Festival 2012, in Luxembourg
Human Rights Film Festival of Barcelona 2012, Spain
Green Film Festival in Seoul 2012, Korea
UK Green Film Festival 2012, United Kingdom
Green Nation Fest, June 2012, Brazil
SEMBRANDO CINE - Film Festival, Lima, Peru, June 2012
FesTVal de Vitoria, Spain, Aug. 2012
SLOW FILME – International Film and Food Festival, Brasilia, Brazil, Sept. 2012
Green Screen Festival Eckernförde, Germany, Sept 2012
DR Environmental Film Festival, Dominican Republic, Sept. 2012
Festival des Libertés, Brussels, Belgium, October 2012
Film & Cook Festival, Barcelona, Spain, October 2012


Sonnenstr. 21
80331 München
Tel. +49 89 558760 Fax +49 89 55876188 http://www.telepool.de


Neven-DuMont-Str. 14
50667 Köln
Marsiliusstraße 36
50937 Köln


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