Pope Francis – A MAN OF HIS WORD is a personal journey with Pope Francis rather than a traditional biographical film about him. A rare co-production with the Vatican, the pope’s ideas and his message are central to this documentary, which sets out to present his work of reform and his answers to today’s global questions from death, social justice, immigration, ecology, wealth inequality, materialism, and the role of the family. The film’s direct-to-camera visual and narrative concepts engage the audience face-to-face with the pope, creating a dialogue between him and, literally, the world. Taking questions from people of all walks of life, Pope Francis responds to farmers and workers, refugees, children and the elderly, prison inmates, and those who live in favelas and migrant camps. All of these voices and faces are a cross section of humanity that join in a conversation with Pope Francis. Pope Francis – A MAN OF HIS WORD was written and produced by Wim Wenders and David Rosier and will be released by Focus Features.
2018 a.o. 71st Festival de Cannes - Special Screening (World Premiere) Sydney Film Festival Melbourne International Film Festival Cinefan - Hong Kong International Film Festival DMZ International Documentary Film Festival (South Korea) Madrimaná Film Festival (Spain) Manaki Brothers Film Festival (Macedonia) DOC NYC (USA) Arka Christian Film Festival (Poland) Latin Beat Film Festival (Japan) Cine Latino Film Festival (Australia) Havana Film Festival (Cuba).
awards: Founders Grand Prize For Best Film, Traverse City Film Festival (Michigan, USA) Colombe D’Or for Best Achievement Monaco World Forum (Monaco)
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