
Film Info

Frankreich, Deutschland 2017 | 85 min. Regie: Sonia Kronlund
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“You have Hollywood. You have Bollywood. And in Afghanistan you have Nothingwood,” shares Salim Shaheen.
About a hundred kilometers away from Kabul, Salim Shaheen, the most popular and prolific actor-director-producer in Afghanistan, comes to show some of his 110 films and to shoot the 111th in the process.
He has brought with him his regular troupe of actors, each more eccentric and out of control than the next. That trip is an opportunity for us to get to know Shaheen, a real movie buff who has been making Z movies tirelessly for more than thirty years in a country at war. Nothingwood is the story of a man who spends his life making his childhood dreams come true.

Cast & Crew


festivals: Cannes, Munich, Jerusalem, Odessa, Locarno, New Horizons, Poland, Melbourne, Helsinki, Austin, Reykjavik, Bergen London BFI, Viennale, Tokyo, Minsk, RIDM Montréal, Tallin, Umeå, Dubai, ONE WORLD, a.o.
awards: Special Mention from the First Feature Jury Life Tales Award (Qurban Ali Afzali) – Biografilm Festival, Italy; Best Documentary - Fiumicino FF ; shortlisted European Film Award


Richard Wagner Str. 12
50674 Köln

Cast & Crew

Sonia Kronlund


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