His real name is Illich Ramirez Sanchez, but we all know him as Carlos. The Jackal.For 20 years he was the most wanted fugitive in the world - the inventor of international terrorism as we know it today. Under the protection of various Arab regimes and the Stasi secret police, Carlos founded a highly effective and sophisticated worldwide network of terror, and committed at least 80 successful terrorist attacks. In his heyday, Carlos lived a life of luxury, was the world's most feared killer and collaborated with the Red Brigades, ETA, the German Red Army, various sections of the PLO, Saddam Hussein and Colonel Ghaddafi - all at the same time.
This is the revealing and true story of the rise - and fall - of a notorious revolutionary who lost his faith and his energy and ended up as nothing more than a ruthless mercenary. The Cold War came to an end in 1989 and Carlos was no longer of use to his former masters. When French Special Agents caught up with him in Sudan in 1992, they found a debauched fat man, drunk by the Hotel poolside, surrounded by expensive prostitutes.