
Film Info

Belgien 2012 | 20 min. Regie: Tom Van Avermaet
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Soldier Nathan Rijckx died during World War I. A strange collector imprisoned his shadow and gave him a new chance: a second life against 10,000 captured shadows. It is love that guides him, as his purpose is to meet Sarah again, the woman he fell in love with before he died. But when he discovers that she’s already in love with someone else, jealousy clouds his mind and pushes him towards a bitter decision, a decision not without consequences …

Statement Regisseur

How long did it take to make your short? Was it difficult to get financing?

It took five years in total from start to finish to make the film. I was lucky enough to win something called a “wild card”, a subsidy granted to two fiction student filmmakers each year by the Flanders Audiovisual Fund, to make a new project. Unfortunately this wasn’t enough to make the movie, so we had to go look for extra funding, which was quite hard. Finally we got a co-production deal with the region ‘Champagne-Ardennes’ in France and some help from a company namedIntraco via the Belgian Tax Shelter system for film.

Which thoughts come to mind concerning a “European cinema community”?

Even with the very different kinds of films made in Europe, I do think that we take our history and culture very serious in the movies and the fact that we have such amazing locations and settings all over Europe makes that community all the more strong. I also believe that cinema has the great strength to unite different filmmakers from different countries, of which EFA is a great example as well.

If you owned a theatre for one night, which fims would you screen?

I would screen a lot of the works by Stanley Kubrick and films like OLDBOY, BRAZIL, ETERNAL SUNSHINE OF THE SPOTLESS MIND, PAN’S LABYRINTH, MEMENTO, REQUIEM FOR A DREAM... the list is almost endless, so I’d need a year to show all the films I love!

What is your next project?

My next project will be my first feature film, I’m still pursuing different options, stories and ideas, hopefully I’ll have a film in production phase next year.
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