
Film Info

Polen 2013 Regie: Małgorzata Szumowska
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In the Name of


Father Adam takes over a small parish in the middle of nowhere. He organises a community centre for boys with a troubled past. His energy is appreciated, the locals accept him as one of their own. Everybody wants to be close to him, feeding off of his vitality and power, but no one knows he harbours his own secret. After meeting an eccentric and silent young man, a local pariah, Father Adam is forced to confront a long forgotten burden and passion. As the villagers’ worst suspicions are validated, Father Adam becomes an obvious enemy.

Statement Regisseur

It’s strange, but I wanted to make a film about this kind of yearning for love, affection, closeness. It sounds trivial, but this feeling of somehow being torn from the inside, a feeling of being unfulfilled in contacts with other people, this great longing for something strong and powerful, was the starting point for me. I found a short note in a newspaper, about a boy, a young man really, who killed a priest in a very brutal way. Even though this story was completely different I suddenly got an idea, to tell a story about a priest who dares to love.
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