
Film Info

Deutschland 2012 | 90 min. Regie: Jan-Ole Gerster
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Oh Boy


Niko is in his late 20s and recently dropped out of college. He lives for the moment, drifting through the streets of his city, observing the people around him with curiosity as they manage their daily lives, oblivious to his own growing status as an outsider.

One day everything changes, and Niko is forced to confront the consequences of his inaction. His girlfriend ends their relationship, his father cuts off his allowance and a psychiatrist confirms his 'emotional imbalance'. Meanwhile, his new neighbour tries to get to know him and a peculiar beauty from his past confronts him with the emotional wounds he inflicted. And all Niko wants is a decent cup of coffee.

“Do you know the feeling when people around you seem to behave in a strange way?” Niko wonders. “And the longer you think about it, the more it dawns on you that it's not other people who are strange, but yourself?” But no sooner has Niko articulated this epiphany than the day takes a tragic turn.


Cast & Crew

Statement Regisseur

The anti-heroes of film and literature were always the characters to which I felt closest. The main protagonist in my film is certainly greatly inspired by characters like Holden Caulfield, Benjamin Braddock and Antoine Doinel, but most of all they gave me the opportunity to tell a very personal story in both an ironic and serious way. Meaning and the search for identity in an alienated world are the central issues in OH BOY Niko, the main character, is on a passive quest, drifting aimlessly through his city. His conflict first becomes apparent through his encounters with the people around him. Over the course of a long day, however, Niko learns that the solution to his conflict lies in these very encounters. With its dark past and vibrant present, Berlin plays the second key role in this mini-odyssey.

Cast & Crew

Jan-Ole Gerster
Alexander Wadouh, Marcos Kantis
Jan-Ole Gerster
Philipp Kirsamer
Michael Gwisdek, Friederike Kempter, Marc Hosemann, Tom Schilling, Tom Schilling
Anja Siemens
Fabian Schmidt
Juliane Friedrich
Juliane Maier, Ildiko Okolicsanyi
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