
Film Info

Großbritannien 2003 | 108 min. Regie: Danny Boyle
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28 Days Later


A powerful virus is unleashed on the British public following a raid on a primate research facility by animal rights activists. Transmitted in a drop of blood and devastating within seconds, the virus locks those infected into a permanent state of murderous rage. With 28 days the country is overwhelmed and a handful of survivors begin their attempts to salvage a future, little realising that the deadly virus is not the only thing that threatens them.

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Statement Regisseur

I like zombie movies but they come out of a particular period, a society paranoid about what might be the dirty result of nuclear weapons and power. I'm not a big aficionado of the genre, I like it a lot, but I love that Alex gave us a twist on the viral apocalypse theme - that this is not a clinical virus but a psychological one — so in the long run I feel there was respect for the genre but I hope that we freshened it up in some way.
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