
Film Info

2012 Regie: Eran Kolirin
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The Exchange


A man comes home at a time of day he’s never been there before. A time when the light hits it differently, when the humming of the fridge is the only audible sound. A man comes home at a time he’s never come home before and for a moment it seems to him like he has walked into the house of a stranger, empty and silent at a desolate mid-day hour.
A man comes home and all of a sudden he can see fabulous and forgotten things. Dust particles swirling around in a white ray of light. An old price tag glued to the underside of the table.
A man comes home like a tourist and observes anew those things that make up his life. The parking lot, the stairs, the full mailboxes. A man comes home and walks into his life at a time he’s never been inside it, observing it with the eyes of the child he once was. And, once again, it is filled with mystery and magical hideouts. The corridors, the passageways, the boiler rooms.
A man stands by and observes his own life from the outside. But is this life still truly his own?

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Statement Regisseur

THE EXCHANGE is not a movie about many things, but rather about the things themselves. Tables, doors, rooms, chairs, all these strange things that constitute our lives. Not strange in the sense that they are lurking in the shadows, or the twilight kind of strange, but the strangeness of things in broad daylight. The uncanniness of the way things really are. The way our lives are.
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