
Film Info

Großbritannien 2002 | 97 min. Regie: Lynne Ramsay
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Morvern Callar


Morvern Callar is a 21 year-old supermarket worker from a small port town in the west of Scotland. Morvern believes that life is something you get on with as best you can with what you´ve got. One morning Morvern finds what she´s got is a dead boyfriend on the kitchen floor...

Cast & Crew

Statement Regisseur

When Morvern's boyfriend kills himself it is a romantic gesture in search of posthumous fame. He wants his novel to be published, and for him to be remembered for his life's work. But Morvern defies all conventional expectations. She appropriates his novel and sells it as her own. She doesn't care for fame. To her this is just a pragmatic means to escape the mundanity of her life. This is for me what makes her character so contemporary.
Does it matter who wrote the novel?
Is it worth more to a dead person than to someone trying to live life the best they can?


Lynne Ramsay graduated from the National Film & Television School in 1995. She won the Cannes Prix de Jury the following year for her graduation film, Small Deaths. Her second short film, Kill the Day, won the Clermont Ferrand Prix du Jury and her third short, Gasman, made the same year, won Ramsay her second Cannes Prix du Jury as well as a Scottish BAFTA for Best Short Film.
With her debut feature Ratcatcher, Ramsay continued to win critical acclaim and awards around the world. Ratcatcher screened in Un Certain Regard at Cannes and went on to open the Edinburgh International Film Festival, where Ramsay received the Guardian New Directors prize. She also won the Carl Foreman Award for Newcomer in British Film at the 2000 BAFTA Awards, the Sutherland Trophy at the London Film Festival and the Silver Hugo for Best Director at the Chicago International Film Festival.

Cast & Crew

Lynne Ramsay
Robyn Slovo, Charles Pattinson, George Faber
Lynne Ramsay, Liana Dognini
Alwin Küchler
Kathleen McDermott (Lanna), Ruby Milton (Couris Jean ), Dolly Wells (Susan), Dan Cadan (Dazzer ), Samantha Morton (Morvern Callar), Carolyn Calder (Sheila Tequila )
Lucia Zucchetti
Paul Davies
Jane Morton
Sarah Blenkinsop
Trefor Proud
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