
Film Info

Deutschland 2001 | 107 min. Regie: Andres Veiel
Aktuell ist kein Angebot vorhanden


Lehrter Strasse 57
10557 Berlin
Tel. +49 30 3906630 Fax +49 30 3945834 http://www.zeroone.de



Black Box Germany


BLACK BOX GERMANY steps back into German history, it shows the Federal Republic of Germany of the 70s and 80s. The country is polarized due to the power struggle of the German state and the “Red Army Fraction”, and thus on a constant brink of civil war. Society is torn, the fronts are irreconcilable.

The life stories of both Wolfgang Grams and Alfred Herrhausen are tragically linked to this era. Grams is the one who takes up arms for moral rigor; Herrhausen, however, seizes power and dies when powerful. Their curricula vitae lead through the enemy camps of the Federal Republic, through opposing worlds that have had a speechless and uncomprehending attitude towards each other until now.

BLACK BOX GERMANY tells the story of the Federal Republic of Germany showing not only the opposite poles but also the story of the survivors. For them too many a question remains unanswered and the void that was caused is too great to allow them to carry on as usual. The fight is over, but the wounds are still open.

Cast & Crew


Europäischer Filmpreis 2001: Bester Dokumentarfilm
Deutscher Filmpreis 2002: Bester Dokumentarfilm
Bayerischer Filmpreis 2002: Dokumentarfilmpreis
Hessischer Filmpreis 2001: Bester Dokumentarfilm
Goldene Kamera 2002: Schnitt in einer Dokumentation/ einem Kulturfilm für Katja Dringenberg
Goldene Kamera 2002: Nominierung Kamera in einer Dokumentation in einem Kulturfilm für Jörg Jeshel

2019 IDFA


Lehrter Strasse 57
10557 Berlin
Tel. +49 30 3906630 Fax +49 30 3945834 http://www.zeroone.de


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