
Film Info

USA 1996 | 130 min. Regie: Milos Forman
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The People vs. Larry Flynt


All I wanted to do was make some money and have some fun," says Larry Flynt of his tempestuous career, which began in the early seventies - the twilight of the sexual revolution in America - when the sex-industry entrepreneur leveraged a small string of Ohio strip-clubs into the beginnings of a publishing empire. Hustler was a raw and raunchy magazine that pushed the limits of American morality. Flynt, its publisher, was nobody's hero but became cast, through circumstance, as a crusader against a new American order.

His releasing of the infamous John DeLorean/FBI cocaine-sting video and subsequent refusal to reveal its source led to his unlikely role as champion of the First Amendment, whereby he took his fight against the Reverend Jerry Falwell (the leader of America's self-proclaimed moral majority) to the Supreme Court. Here, Flynt appealed his right to free speech and was rewarded with a precedent-setting decision in his favour.

Behind such public scenes was a no less striking story: that of Flynt the man, passionate about his beliefs and about living up to them despite personal tragedy (he was paralysed by a sniper's bullet on the steps of a Georgia courthouse and his soul mate, Althea, eventually succumbed to AIDS). The People vs. Larry Flint, Milos Forman's first film in seven years, won the Golden Bear at the Berlin Film Festival earlier this year.

Cast & Crew


Throughout his life and work, Milos Forman has managed to combine and assirnilate the best of European and American filmmaking. In a career which has seen him twice awarded the Oscar® for his work, Forman has managed to achieve international success without being pigeon-holed by genre or nationality.

The youngest of three sons, Forman was born in Caslav, a town 45 miles from Prague. At the age of nine. his parents were arrested by the Gestapo and perished in the death camps, leaving him to be raised by relatives and friends. He became interested in theatre while attending a boarding school for children who were left parentless by the war. He found himself especially taken with the comedies of Chaplin and Keaton, and the westerns of John Ford.

Forman enrolled in the University of Prague's Film Institute, where he studied with Ivan Passer. After graduation, he wrote his first screenplays and made several short semi-documentaries. His first feature came in 1963, an auto-biographical account of a teenager in a small Czech town entitled BLACK PETER. The film became a hit at film festivals such as Cannes, Montreal and New York, and led to Forman's first visit to America.

His next two films, LOVES OF A BLONDE (1965) and FIREMAN'S BALL (1967) brought the director even more international acclaim. When Soviet tanks rumbled into Prague in August of 1968, Forman was in Paris to negotiate the making of his first American film. He returned briefly to Prague, and moved to New York to make TAKING OFF. The film was the official United States entry at the 1971 Cannes Film Festival, where it was awarded the jury prize. He next participated in the collective documentary about the 1972 Munich Olympics, VISIONS OF EIGHT, in a segment about the decathlon.

In 1973, the director was approached by producers Michael Douglas and Saul Zaentz with a copy of Ken Kesey's novel "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest", and asked if he'd be interested in directing the film version. The film swept the top five 1975 Academy Award® categories - best picture, best script, best actor. best actress. and Forman took home the statue as best director. He followed CUCKOOS'S NEST with the film version of the long-running musical HAIR (1979), and then lured James Cagney out of retirement as part of the ensemble cast of RAGTIME (1981).

Eight years after CUCKOO'S NEST, Forman re-teamed with producer Saul Zaentz, and returned to his home land of Czechoslovakia to make AMADEUS (1984). Once again, Forman was presented with the Oscar® as best director, and the film claimed a total of eight Academy Award®s, including best picture. 1989 saw the release of Forman's next project, VALMONT.

Forman became an American citizen in 1975, and resides in New York.
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