
Film Info

Rumänien 2011 | 99 min. Regie: Catalin Mitulescu
Aktuell ist kein Angebot vorhanden



Luca (20) seduces girls then leaves them in the hands of his friends at the Black Sea port of Constanţa. Luca falls in love with Veli, one of his potential victims. It’s summer down the Danube river, in Hârşova. The music is loud, the cars are fancy, the girls are tanned and Veli runs away from home to Luca’s bed.
First love has never felt more dangerous.

Statement Regisseur

Loverboy came to life through many different stories in which I found similarities – an emotion I kept experiencing and which I needed to understand better by looking into people’s stories and lives. If I were to describe this feeling, I would call it “love”. A love so intense, that you feel the need to destroy it. And the more you feel the need to destroy it, the more powerful and more intense it becomes.
I used to take long drives and leave Bucharest with no particular destination in mind. That’s how I discovered the poor towns and villages near the Danube River.
These empty places were the setting that shaped the tone of a story.

The story came to life naturally. From all my trips, from all the stories I’ve heard, I managed to write the script pretty quickly working as a team with Bianca Oana, who had the experience of making a documentary about 4 boys who just got out of prison, one of whom became a loverboy. The dialogue is authentic most of the time, inspired by the documentary, and the written scenes are directly inspired by that mood and atmosphere.
Loverboy is a trade. This film is a love story. It is the love story that I chose to tell now, in Romania.
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