
Film Info

Griechenland 2010 | 97 min. Regie: Athina Rachel Tsangari
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Marina, 23, is growing up with her architect father in a prototype factory town by the sea. Finding the human species strange and repellent, she keeps her distance. Instead she chooses to observe it through the songs of Suicide, the mammal documentaries of Sir David Attenborough, and the sexual-education lessons she receives from her only friend, Bella.
A stranger comes to town and challenges her to a foosball duel, on her own table. Her father meanwhile ritualistically prepares for his exit from the 20th century, which he considers to be “overrated.” Caught between the two men and her collaborator, Bella, Marina investigates the wondrous mystery of the human fauna.

Statement Regisseur

I made a film about four people who happen to be at the same place for a short period of time.
Three people who become four and then two.
Three, of course, being the only perfect number in any relation.
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