
Film Info

Norwegen, Großbritannien 2006 | 85 min. Regie: Christopher Nielsen
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Four stoners, three gangsters, five vegans and a million reasons to free one junkie elephant...
We follow the story of four low life anti-heroes RoyArnie (Woody Harrelson), Odd (Simon Pegg), Gaz (Phil Daniels) and Flea (Jay Simpson), who are uprooted from their mean city streets to work with Ringmaster Stromowski (Jim Broadbent) in a touring Russian circus in terminal decline. The star attraction is Jimmy, an elephant kept 'happy' on a cocktail of drugs. But Roy Amie has a dream that one day he will run his own circus and he tells the boys that the key to his dream is Jimmy. On the opening night a bungled attempt to give Jimmy his 'fix' causes widespread panic. Jimmy escapes and so begins a mad cap cross country road-trip to find Jimmy before he goes cold turkey.
Suddenly everyone wants a piece of Jimmy. A deranged bunch of animal activists led by clean living, straight edged couple Marius (Kyle MacLachlan) and Beltina (Emilia Fox) are after Jimmy to front their cause. A trigger happy Scottish hunting party (James, Cosmo, David Tennant, Douglas Henshall, Russell Ban) think his head would look great mounted on their wall and The Lappish Mafia - the meanest men in the north (The League of Gentlemen - Reece Shearsmith, Mark Gatiss, Steve Pemberton) want to 'hit' him for a big payoff. Jimmy's only chance Is a benevolent moose who befriends him on the road. Can he help to Free Jimmy, release him from his addiction and save him from a million dollar secret...

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