
Film Info

Deutschland 2000 | 105 min. Regie: Christian Petzold
Aktuell ist kein Angebot vorhanden

The State I Am In


For 15 years now the parents have been leading an underground existence. Hiding among the anonymous tourists on the beaches of Portugal.
They had broken a taboo: They had conceived a daughter. A girl who has never swapped clothes with her friends, never skipped classes in school, camped out at lakes, got drunk and broke off with her boyfriend in ice-cream parlours. A girl who is alone.
The parents are just about to establish some sort of legal identity for themselves in Brazil, when a slight negligence causes everything to fall apart around them.
And again they are on the run, which brings them back to Germany.
Meanwhile, their daughter has fallen in love. A love which will lead to a tragedy and destroy the family.

Cast & Crew

Statement Regisseur

I read that Wolfgang Grams, the terrorist who was later shot in Bad Kleinen, had been cooking jam, somewhe-re in the anonymity of the underground. That he had written songs, Blues. For a woman.
Messages from the underground, telling of ghosts trying to become human beings.
The ghosts in this story have conceived a child. Become family. Want to be normal. Ghosts trying to become human beings will always be protagonists of tragedy
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