
Film Info

Irland 2015 | 118 min. Regie: Lenny Abrahamson
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Both highly suspenseful and deeply emotional, ROOM is a unique and touching exploration of the boundless love between a mother and her child. After 5-year-old Jack and his Ma escape from the enclosed surroundings that Jack has known his entire life, the boy makes a thrilling discovery: the outside world. As he experiences all the joy, excitement and fear that this new adventure brings, he holds tight to the one thing that matters most of all – his special bond with his loving and devoted Ma.

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Lenny Abrahamson was born in Dublin in 1966. While studying Physics and Philosophy at Trinity College Dublin, he directed short videos with the Trinity Video Society, which he co-founded with Ed Guiney. He graduated in 1991 with first class honours.
His first short film, 3 JOES, won the Best European Short Film Award at the 1991 Cork FF and the Organiser’s Award at the 1992 Oberhausen Short FF. He directed numerous commercials for television in Ireland, the UK and world-wide before taking the helm on his first feature film, ADAM & PAUL, a stylised, downbeat comedy written by Mark O’Halloran and released in 2004. ADAM & PAUL won the Best First Feature award at the 2004 Galway Film Fleadh and the Grand Prix at the 2005 Sofia IFF.
His second feature film, GARAGE, another collaboration with writer Mark O’ Halloran, was selected for Director’s Fortnight at the 2007 Cannes FF and won the CICAE Art and Essai award. The film also won the awards for Best Film, Best Director, Best Script and Best Actor at the 2008 Irish Film and Television Awards (IFTAs).
Lenny has also directed for television: his four one-hour TV films for RTE, PROSPERITY, won the Best Director for TV award 2008 Irish Film and Television Awards.
WHAT RICHARD DID, his third feature, was released in 2012 to critical acclaim. The film, written by Malcolm Campbell, presents a stark portrait of a privileged Dublin teen whose world unravels over one summer night. The film premiered at the 2012 Toronto IFF and was also selected for the 2012 BFI London FF and the 2013 Tribeca FF.
Lenny’s fourth feature, FRANK, stars Domhnall Gleeson, Michael Fassbender, and Maggie Gyllenhaal and tells the story of a young wannabe musician caught up in an avant-garde pop band led by the eponymous and enigmatic Frank, who always wears a giant fake head. FRANK premiered to great praise at the 2014 Sundance FF. ROOM is Abrahamson’s fifth feature film.
Lenny is developing a number of projects including THE LITTLE STRANGER, a film based on Sarah Waters’ novel, with Potboiler and Film4, and NEVERHOME, an adaptation of Laird Hunt’s civil war novel, with Element Pictures and Film 4.
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