
Film Info

Deutschland 2015 | 80 min. Regie: Anna Sofie Hartmann
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Born in 1984, Anna Sofie Hartmann grew up in rural Nakskov, Denmark. A year at the European Film College in Aarhus was followed by a move to Berlin where she worked in the studio of artist Olafur Eliasson. In 2008, she started studying Film Directing at the German Film and Television Academy Berlin (dffb). Her short film THE HOUSE IN THE LAKE premiered at the Uppsala International Short FF.

INTERVIEW with Anna Sofie Hartmann



It is autumn. In the small Danish port of Nakskov the chimneys of the sugar factory smoke tirelessly. Giant windmill wings lie abandoned on the outskirts of town.

The last year of high school lies before Sara and her friends. They talk about the future, about the wish to leave to a bigger city. Karen, a young Faroese, just moved to the island to work as a teacher at the local high school. In the class discussions arise: What is femininity? What is masculinity? What is art? Who sees us and in what way? Who and what makes us who we are?
Sara is fascinated by her new teacher, her friends find Karen strange - “perhaps a bit too feminist”. In-between theatre rehearsals and DIY-constructions Sara attempts to get closer to Karen.

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