
Film Info

Serbien 2015 | 92 min. Regie: Vuk Ršumović
kein Angebot eingestellt



In the spring of 1988 a wild boy is found deep in the Bosnian mountains living amongst wolves. He is randomly given the name Haris and sent to an orphanage in Belgrade to be taken care of by Ilke. He becomes inseparable from another boy, Žika, and slowly starts to show progress. In 1992, after he became a fairly socialised young man, local authorities force him to go back to war-torn Bosnia.

The film is based on a true story.

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Statement Regisseur

This is a story about a desire to be loved and to belong. Told from the perspective of a feral boy confronting civilization for the first time, it raises fundamental questions of human nature: what makes us human and what turns us into beasts. Since the beginning of time, there have been myths about abandoned children growing up in the wild. What makes this story unique is its context, defined by the bloody war in Europe and the Balkans at the end of the 20th century. A war which had great impact on my childhood and the life of my generation. For that reason, if nothing else, I sympathize with the main character and his fate.
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