
Film Info

Nordmazedonien 2022 | 95 min. Regie: Teona Strugar Mitevska
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Asja, a 40-year-old single woman, lives in Sarajevo. In order to meet new people, she ends up spending her Saturday in a speed dating event. She’s matched with Zoran, a 43-year-old banker. However, Zoran is not looking for love but forgiveness.

Statement Regisseur

What defines us: our ethnicity, religion, gender? What divide us or unite us? This is a story about precariousness of life, the chance encounters bringing together the aggressor and the victim, reviving the painful past; this is a story of impossible connections, of love and absurdity. The film starts as a humor driven excursion and develops into a mountain of experiences. The natural rhythm is primordial and it’s tightly connected to the human inquiry techniques while seeking truth after violence. I see this film as a symphony of choreographed movements unpacking layers of emotions that slowly entangle the viewer to a point of vertigo like state. Location is essential: an 80’s style hotel, a witness to Ex-Yugoslav architectural style: concrete brutalism or modernism, and then there is the injured city of Sarajevo, a testament to open wounds and past pains.
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