
Film Info

Litauen 2022 | 112 min. Regie: Mantas Kvedaravičius
Video VoD / live



In 2022, Mantas Kvedaravičius went back to Ukraine, Mariupol, at the heart of the war, to be with the people he had met and filmed in 2015. Following his death, his producers and collaborators have put all their strength into continuing transmitting his work, his vision and his films. Also a PhD in anthropology, Mantas Kvedaravičius wished to testify as a filmmaker as far as possible from the agitation of the media and the politicians. With huge force and sensitivity, MARIUPOLIS 2 depicts life as it continues amidst the bombing and reveals images that convey both tragedy and hope.


Mantas Kvedaravičius (1976-2022) was a Lithuanian-born filmmaker with a degree in social anthropology from Cambridge University. His first documentary film, BARZAKH was selected in numerous festivals and won several awards, including the Amnesty International Prize and the Ecumenical Jury Prize at the Berlinale in 2011. His following two films, MARIUPOLIS (2016) and PARTHENON (2019) were selected at the Berlinale and the Venice International Critics' Week, respectively. Mantas Kvedaravičius was captured and killed by Russian Forces in the end of March, 2022 in Mariupol while documenting Russia's invasion of Ukrainian territory.

2022 - MARIUPOLIS 2, Documentary
2019 - PARTHENON, Feature
2016 - MARIUPOLIS, Documentary
2011 - BARZAKH, Documentary
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