
Film Info

Großbritannien Regie: Steve McQueen
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SMALL AXE is an anthology of a multi-faceted history which has never been given the attention it deserves; Steve McQueen has created five films inspired by real-life events in the 70s and 80s within the UK’s West-Indian community. Each part taking a different position, SMALL AXE poignantly explores how systemic racism continuously fuels injustice and the fight for civil rights is not the same for all in Europe. The series of films also celebrate the unique culture of the West Indies, which influenced and inspired not just Britain but the whole of Europe. With its strong performances of a fantastic ensemble of actors and its overall cinematic impact, SMALL AXE shows McQueen’s huge talent as an innovative storyteller, while leaving audiences unable to un-see a painful facet of our reality again, but never forgetting to reveal the joy of the every day.

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