
Film Info

Großbritannien 2020 | 97 min. Regie: Florian Zeller
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Anthony, 82 years old, faces the loss of his world, while his daughter tries to help him through his last journey.

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Statement Regisseur

THE FATHER first existed as a play. I wrote it for Robert Hirsch in 2012. He incarnated it on stage for over three years in a masterful manner. I was by his side during that entire time, and I am now able to say that I know this story from the inside, and that I ignore nothing of the paths it takes nor the emotions that it conjures up. From then on, it was performed in over 35 different countries, and I have been lucky enough to follow most of these productions. What really hit me, no matter in which country, was the audience’s formidable response to the play. The story addresses a distressing subject, yet one that concerns us all. We have all detected in a grandparent, a parent, or someone equally as dear to us, the first worrisome signs of loss of reason. And who doesn’t then question him or herself, heavy-hearted, on the passing of time and what it will personally yield?

But I also think that the audience’s response was so strong because the play used an original narrative strategy: the audience found itself in the protagonist’s mind, but it only discovered that gradually.

And so, in the movie, the audience is invited to witness, first-hand the experience of dementia. And I would like the movie to preserve this immediacy for the audience. Additionally, since it is dear to me that both movie and the script are expansive, I asked Christopher Hampton to adapt it for the screen.


Florian Zeller is a French writer and director. He has written more than 10 plays, which have been staged in more than 45 countries. His black-comedy play THE FATHER is one of the outstanding hits of recent years. It has won several awards in Paris, London, and New York. THE FATHER is his first film as a director.

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