
Film Info

Italien 2020 | 95 min. Regie: Uberto Pasolini
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John, a 35-year-old window cleaner, has dedicated his life to bringing up his 4-year-old son, Michael, after the child's mother left them soon after giving birth. When John is given only a few months left to live, he attempts to find a new, perfect family for Michael, determined to shield him from the terrible reality of the situation. Although initially certain of what he is looking for in the perfect family, John gradually abandons his early convictions, over- whelmed by doubts on the decision. How can he judge a family from a brief encounter? And does he know his own child well enough to make this choice for him? As John struggles to find the right answer to his impossible task, he comes to accept the help of a young social worker, opening himself to solutions he would never have considered. And he finally comes to accept his anger at the injustice of his destiny, the need to share the truth with his son, and to follow the child's instincts on the biggest decision of their lives.

Statement Regisseur

A newspaper headline: “Single father spends last few month of his life looking for a new family for his four year old son”: What could be the basis for a sentimental melodrama became instead the inspiration for a low key personal journey into universal themes: what it is to be a parent, what is a good family, how well do you know your children. And for a love story, made of small everyday moments, between a father and his young boy.


Uberto Pasolini directed, wrote and produced Machan (2008), winner of numerous international awards and in 2013 Still Life starring Eddie Marsan and Joanne Froggatt; selected as one of the best European films at the EFA in 2014, it has won many awards, including the prize for Best Director, Orizzonti in Venice 2013.

Uberto’s latest film Nowhere Special which he also wrote and produced, starring James Norton, premiered in Orizzonti at the 2020 Venice Film Festival. The film has been sold throughout the world.

As a producer he founded Red Wave Films in 1993. The company produced The Full Monty, which took over 250 million dollars at the box office worldwide, won a Bafta for Best Film and was nominated for four Oscars, along with numerous other awards.

2020 - NOWHERE SPECIAL (producer, writer, director)
2013 - STILL LIFE (producer, writer, director)
2012 - BEL AMI (producer)
2008 - MACHAN (producer, writer, director)
2001 - THE EMPEROR'S NEW CLOTHES (producer)
2000 - AS GOOD AS IT GETS (producer)
1997 - THE FULL MONTY (producer)
1995 - PALOOKAVILLE (producer)
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