Cast & Crew
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Statement Regisseur
I wrote the script when I experienced a culture of silence around the subject of mental illness among young people.Reading about several cases of very young suicidal cases in Norway, I experienced a lack of openness and discussion about mental disorders, both in home environments and in the public debate. I also discovered that the conducted conversations often were characterised by guilt and cause, rather than acceptance and openness.
Tuva Novotny is an internationally acclaimed actress, who has received several awards for her acting performances, amongst others the Shooting Star at the Berlin International Film Festival. In 2018 she starred in the Netflix sci-fi thriller ANNIHILATION alongside Natalie Portman in and BORG McENROE with Shia LaBeouf and Stellan Skarsgård. BLIND SPOT was the first time Tuva Novotny took on directing a feature film. The year after she completed her second feature film BRITT-MARIE WAS HERE (2019).Filmography:
2010-2015 – DAG, tv series, 4 episodes
2014 – LILYHAMMER, tv series, 1 episode
Cast & Crew
Tuva NovotnyElisabeth Kvithyll
Tuva Novotny
Jonas Alarik
Pia Tjelta (Maria), Anders Baasmo Christiansen (Anders), Oddgeir Thune (Martin)
Peter Albrechtsen
Jacob Kirkegaard
Nina Bjerch Andresen
Henry Cummings
Nina Bjerch Andresen
Aase Lund Mathisen