
Film Info

Norwegen 2018 | 106 min. Regie: Iram Haq
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Sixteen-year-old Nisha lives a double life. At home with her family she is the perfect Pakistani daughter, but when out with her friends, she is a normal Norwegian eenager. When her father catches her in bed with her boyfriend, Nisha’s two worlds brutally collide. To set an example, Nisha’s parents decide to kidnap her and place her with relatives in Pakistan. Here, in a country she has never been to before, Nisha is forced to adapt to her parents’ culture.


The story of WHAT WILL PEOPLE SAY is my most personal so far. When I was 14 years old, I was kidnapped by my parents and forced to live for one and a half years in Pakistan. I have waited until I felt ready as a filmmaker and as a person to be able to tell this story in a wise and sensible way. That is to say, without making the girl appear as just a victim and her parents as merely her perpetrators. I wanted to tell an impossible love story between parents and their child; one that cannot have a happy ending as long as the gap between these two cultures remains so wide.

I want to put the audience side by side with Nisha and her emotions throughout the film. After a long casting process, we finally found the perfect actress for the part in Maria Mozhdah. It was an amazing discovery, and she was a joy to work with alongside the more experienced actors in the other parts.

Cast & Crew


Born in 1976, Iram Haq is an actress, writer and director. She made and starred in her directorial debut, the short film LITTLE MISS EYEFLAP, which screened at the Sundance Film Festival in 2009. Her feature film debut I AM YOURS premiered at Toronto International Film Festival in 2013 and was selected as Norway's official Oscar entry. The film went on to win a number of prizes at festivals around the world.

2017 What Will People Say
2013 I Am Yours
2009 Little Miss Eyeflap (short)
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