
Film Info

Deutschland 2024 | 110 min. Regie: Michael Wech
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50678 Köln
Fax +49 221 5796459 Tel. +49 221 5796430 http://www.broadview.tv



MOSES – 13 Steps


The documentary MOSES tells the life story of one of the greatest track and field athletes of all times.

Edwin Moses grows up in a segregated America. As African-American athlete he overcomes obstacles life throws at him. Without a coach and without support he teaches himself the toughest discipline in track and field, the 400-meter hurdles – depicted as "maneater" by athletes and runners alike - and creates a historic winning streak that leaves his competitors, fans and journalists puzzled. 9 years, 9 months, and 9 days.

Sporting success is one part of his story. The other is Edwin Moses' fight against inequality, injustice, and doping, for equal rights and equal treatment of people regardless of skin color and gender, and for adequate payment of athletes.
The documentary enhances Moses' personal narrative by juxtaposing it with pivotal moments in world history, demonstrating how his triumphs mirrored significant global and societal changes. Featuring exclusive interviews with Moses himself, the film offers intimate insights into his thoughts, motivations, and the formidable challenges he faced.
Contributing to the depth and perspective of this story are cultural icons and luminaries such as Spike Lee, Samuel L. Jackson, Neil deGrasse Tyson, Lonnie Bunch of the Smithsonian Institution, Anita de Frantz, along with sports figures like Karsten Warholm, Tommie Smith, Mike Shine, Andre Phillips, Michael Johnson, Donna de Varona, and Danny Harris.
Edwin Moses came to athletics rather by chance, his passions being engineering and his physics studies at the famous Morehouse College in Atlanta. His time as a Morehouse Man was particularly formative for his personality and sporting success. Moses developed into an outstanding athlete with a unique and self-invented running technique of 13 steps that gave him a huge advantage in races and left his competitors far behind for years. Between 1977 and 1987, Moses remained unbeaten in 122 consecutive races.
Even during his career, he was a strong advocate of the fight against doping in sport. He was involved in the introduction of stricter doping controls and guidelines. His commitment helped to raise awareness of the issue and to this day, he remains a role model for fairness and integrity beyond the world of sport.
Following his active career, Edwin Moses dedicated his life to being one of the Founding Chairmen of the Laureus Sport For Good Foundation. Nelson Mandela's famous speech at the foundation's launch is still a guideline and incentive for Edwin Moses today: "Sport has the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire. It has the power to unite people in a way that little else does."


FFCGN Filmfestival Cologne

Cast & Crew

  • Regie
    Michael Wech


Ubierring 61a
50678 Köln
Fax +49 221 5796459 Tel. +49 221 5796430 http://www.broadview.tv

Cast & Crew

Michael Wech


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