
Film Info

Deutschland, Großbritannien 2017 | 93 min. Regie: Thomas Riedelsheimer
kein Angebot eingestellt


Hildegardstr. 13
80539 München
Tel. +49 89 38329818 http://www.filmpunkt.com




More then fifteen years after the release of Rivers & Tides Thomas Riedelsheimer and Andy Goldsworthy embark on a new journey into the world of art and nature.


Andy Goldsworthy is best known for his ephemeral work with nature. Fifteen years ago Thomas Riedelsheimer met Andy for the first time. He agreed to be followed around and filmed by Thomas. Rivers and Tides a feature-length documentary was released in 2001 and became a very successful film in cinemas, television and DVD distribution.
For more than 10 years Andy and Thomas barely kept in touch, but Thomas never lost his interest in him and his work.
Thomas Riedelsheimer: "We finally met again in Scotland in 2011 and found ourselves enjoying each other‘s company very much. It felt in a way familiar as if no time has passed at all; but on the other hand both of us had been through a lot of new experiences, good ones and bad ones."
Just a few days after their meeting they had to admit that both of them started thinking about a new collaboration.
Leaning into the Wind explores more aspects of Andy´s work that has been changing over the recent years.
Andy Goldsworthy: „The older you get, the more loss you have to deal with."
His pieces became somehow darker and he deals a lot with places and the human need to conquer those. Also his body plays an even more important role in his art.

Cast & Crew


Nominated by BIFA in the Best Cinematogrpahy and Best Music categories.
Special Mention from the Documentary Jury at EIFF - Edinburgh International Film Festival
20th Thessaloniki Documentary Festival


Hildegardstr. 13
80539 München
Tel. +49 89 38329818 http://www.filmpunkt.com


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