
Film Info

Deutschland 2010 | 80 min. Regie: Dario Aguirre
Aktuell ist kein Angebot vorhanden


Schaafenstraße 25
50676 Köln
Tel. +49 177 4468560 Fax +49 30 75527724 http://www.buechnerfilm.de



Five Ways to Dario


Since more than 10 years the director Darío Aguirre lives between two totally different worlds, Germany and Ecuador. He decides to make an extraordinary journey, visiting five unknown men called Darío Aguirre as well: One in Mexico and four in Argentina. To meet each other develops into a reconcilement with their own past lives and permits a briefly glance into the protagonists present time.
For two months Darío shares five different lives, adapting himself to situations and activities he has never done before. He tries to lose his fear of the extension of his visa with the Mexican psychologist, Darío Aguirre. He learns to drive a car with the cabby, Darío Aguirre, in Buenos Aires; he experiences the life of a soldier with the Sergeant Major Darío Aguirre; he philosophizes with the security guard, Darío Aguirre, at the gate over the question “Who am I?”; and he observes the influence the upcoming birth is having on future father, Darío Aguirre.


Schaafenstraße 25
50676 Köln
Tel. +49 177 4468560 Fax +49 30 75527724 http://www.buechnerfilm.de


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