
Film Info

2015 | 84 min. Regie: Florian Hoffmann
kein Angebot eingestellt


Torstraße 154
10115 Berlin
Tel. +49 30 24628156 http://www.magnetfilm.de


Potsdamer Str. 2
10785 Berlin
Tel. +49 30 257590 https://www.dffb.de



ARLETTE. Mut ist ein Muskel.


A journey from Africa to Berlin turns into an unexpected journey from childhood to adulthood. The film centres around Arlette, a 15-year old girl from the Central African Republic who suffered severe injuries during the last war. In Berlin a surgery frees her from her year-long pain. This changes her both physically and mentally: suddenly Arlette is in her puberty.
But then war breaks out again in her homeland. What was planned to be a short stay in Berlin turns into a journey without a foreseeable end. Alrette is forced to grow up and take her own decisions about her future. Stranded in Berlin the young girl faces the challenges of a foreign culture and a language she doesn't speak.
This film is a long-term observation - told resolutely from the perspective of a young girl from the Central African Republic. And the viewer gets to see our everyday life through the genuine and honest eyes of Arlette.

Cast & Crew


46th Vision du Reél -Festival International de Cinéma Nyon, Switzerland, 2015
39th Duisburger Filmwoche, Germany, 2015
26th Kinofest Lünen, Germany, 2015
28th International Documentary Film Festival, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2015
15th Docpoint Helsinki Documentary Film Festival, Finland, 2016
32nd International Festival “Sarajevo Winter 2016”
Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2016
13th Dokumentarfilmwoche Hamburg, Germany, 2016
31st DOK.fest Munich, 2016
17th Stockholm International Film Festival, Sweden, 2016
11th Afrykamera – African Film Festival, Warsaw, Poland, 2016
9th Internationales Frauenfilmfestival Dortmund | Köln, Germany, 2016
13th NEIßEFILMFESTIVAL, Reihe Spektrum, Germany, 2016
3rd Dokka Dokumentarfilmfestival Karlsruhe, Germany, 2016
Galway African Film Festival, Ireland, 2016

“Youth Jury Award”, 26th Kinofest Lünen, Germany, 2015
“The Prize of the Ecumenical Jury”,
“Special Mention in the Best Documentary Film Category”, New Berlin Film Award – 12th Achtung Berlin
IFFF Dortmund | Köln - 9th Young Women Cinematographers Award Documentary for Katharina Diessner 2016


Torstraße 154
10115 Berlin
Tel. +49 30 24628156 http://www.magnetfilm.de


Potsdamer Str. 2
10785 Berlin
Tel. +49 30 257590 https://www.dffb.de


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