
Film Info

Großbritannien 2002 | 86 min. Regie: Asif Kapadia
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The Warrior


The warrior is a timeless story of an epic journey from the deserts of Rajasthan to the snowcapped peaks of the Himalayas. The story follows Lafcadia, head of a small band of warriors employed by a tyrannical lord, who rules the region from his crumbling fort in the desert. The warriors are ordered to wipe out a village late with its payments. The warriors set off on horseback and proceed to raze the rustic village to the ground. In the midst of the slaughter Lafcadia has a mystical encounter with a young girl. Lafcadia drops his sword and vows to never kill again. He decides to escape his violent life he sets off with his young son, Katiba, for his native village in the mountains.

Cast & Crew

Cast & Crew

Asif Kapadia
Bertrand Faivre
Asif Kapadia, Tim Miller
Roman Osin
Irrfan Khan (The Warrior), Puru Chibber (Warrior's son), Mandakini Goswami (Rabia), Sunita Sharma (The girl ), Noor Mani (The thief), Damayanti Marfatia (Blind woman)
Ewa J. Lind
Dario Marianelli
Adrian Smith
Louise Stjernsward
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