
Film Info

Deutschland 2010 | 73 min. Regie: Sonja Baeger
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ACHTUNG: Psychonauten – Der Künstler Thomas Zipp


As we get to know the internationally reknowned, Berlin based, German artist Thomas Zipp, we discover the background of his installations, which refer to the human urge of hubris and selfdestruction and are dark and humourous at the same time.
His interest in psychonautics – the research of the psyche and the subconscious – is the angle from which he questions the supporting pillars of our culture and education.
As he connects acknowledged values and historical characters beyond logic, he uses the freedom of art to create and claim a playfully anarchistic monument of thought. Another important part of Thomas Zipp's way of expressing himself is music. In various constellations with artist-friends they improvise a kind of psychedelic noise-rock, enriched with self-developed instruments, like a cast- iron bell (with the inscription: mind over matter) and air-raid sirens. The film has no voice-over and interweaves looking and thinking about art within the flow of storytelling. It consists of a broad variety of situations and moods: from daytoday life to being the star of his shows, up to all-night music-sessions in a country house, where art-production and rock 'n' roll come together. In chronological order of events, the scenes become a contemporary document (2006-2009), which turns the introduction to the art of Thomas Zipp into a film experience.
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