80333 München
Qassam relates the tale of the Israeli township Sderot, situated in the Western section of the Negev North of the Gaza Strip. Since September 2000 until today more than 10,000 rockets have been fired on Sderot from the Gaza Strip. The town’s inhabitants are a mixture of many cultures and political views, ranging from Maroccan immigrants to very liberal students.No matter, however, how many differences there are among the inhabitants they’ve got one thing in common: the daily threat. The inhabitants of the township as a society break down because of the constant fear, disintegrating from within. Everyone struggles to find his or her own way to cope with the situation.
Director Ya’ir G. Magall is interested in the psychological and still more in the human aspect of this process. Qassam registers the psychology of the town’s inhabitans, focussing on details and persons and showing what goes on underneath the surface and in the heads of the people. Qassam the film does not adopt a victim’s position, but rather attempts to show the conflict between Israelis and Palestinians from a new and different angle.
20min 40sec | S16mm | HDCAM SR | HDCAM | DigiBeta | 16:9
original Hebrew version with German or English subtitles available
Chock A Block Film, Christina Christ &
Markus Brandmair GbR
Ainmillerstr. 44
80801 Munich, Germany
Cast & Crew
- Regie
80333 München