7 or Why I exist. What a question! And who could possibly provide the answer?
This film chooses an unusual path and invites 7 children from all over the world to take us by the hand and lead us into their world. They show us what is important to them, what they love and what they hold dear, what makes them laugh and what makes them cry.
What does it mean to be a child today? How does it feel to focus your gaze on the world and on the future. What do children see before they forget how to ask questions that no-one can answer?
This is a film about childhood and the world of children; it is authentic, told with sincerity and the power of imagination, with subtlety and humour. Stories from children, for children - and, of course, for grown-ups.
It is a film about a world that often remains closed to adults. A perspective on the world which can be like a mirror or like a trip back into our own childhood: watching children think.
35mm / Dolby Digital /HDCam / 16:9 / Digi Beta / BetaSP
original German version / English, French or Spanish subtitles available
among others 2010 Best Documentary – 44 Hof IFF Stuttgarter Kinder Filmtage 2011 50. Kinder- und Jugendfilmfest Kassel 8. NEISSE FILMFESTIVAL Adult Jury Award for Best Film – 5th Reel 2 Real IFF for Youth Mención honorífica by children jury – 16th Children`s Film Festival Mexico 14th Istanbul International 1001 Documentary Film Festival, The 6th Vilnius International Film Festival for Children and Youth, Litauen 4th Cinesparks Brisbane, Australian Film Festival for Young People, Australien 11th Beirut International Film Festival Grand Prix und Adult Jury Award for Best Documentary – 7th International Film Festival for Children and Young People in Armenia 5th Festival Internacional del audiovisual para niños KOLIBRI, La Paz, Bolivien 30th Oulu International Children´s Film Festival, Finnland 12. Festival International du Film d'Arras “Filem'on“ Brüsseler Kinderfilmfestival 4th Great Little Cinema - Here come the movies Festival, Milano, Italien Special Mention – 2011 Olympia IFF for Children and Young People, Pyrgos, Griechenland 2012 Children´s Film Festival , Seattle, USA Discovery Zone, Luxembourg City, März 2012 52. Zlin Film Festival, Czech Republic Southern Appalachian IFF, Tennessee, USA 2013 8th International Children’s Film Festival, Bengaluru, Indien
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