
Film Info

Dänemark 2015 | 96 min. Regie: Phie Ambo
kein Angebot eingestellt



Niels is one of the last idealistic farmers in the agricultural country of Denmark. He makes some of the world's finest products, praised by the consumers, prized by the world's best restaurant, NOMA in Copenhagen, and nursed in harmony with the universe. But Niels' ways of farming in accordance with the planets and the primal instincts of the animals are not too popular with the authorities. They are threatening to withdraw his license to keep cattle, the buildings are deteriorating, and with no successor to take over, Niels risks seeing his life fall apart.

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Statement Regisseur

I met Niels one year ago because I was visiting his farm with my children and I immediately fell in love with the warm and sensitive way that Niels and his wife Rita run the farm. The live in a devoted pact with everything in our universe from the smallest microorganisms to the plants that surround us. I also felt that Niels was a great character because behind his cosy Santa-Claus-look there is a stubbern anarchist. Niels wants to respect and preserve the cattle’s natural instincts which for instance means that they are drinking from big bathtubs instead of running water in cups. This is prohibited in modern organic farming.
This is a film about rediscovering the joy that most people experience in their childhood when you´re just being present in nature. I want to give the audience the same profound feeling of being alive that I experienced when I first came to the farm. I wanted to make a film that reminds us to live our everyday lives with devoutness so that one day we won’t wake up realising that we never lived.
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