
Film Info

Belgien, Frankreich, Deutschland, Luxemburg, Niederlande, USA 2023 | 52 min. Regie: Karen Vázquez Guadarrama
kein Angebot eingestellt


Spittelberggasse 3/14
1070 Wien 07
phone_type_3 +43 670 2087881 http://www.autlookfilms.com


Pfaffendorfer Str. 26
04105 Leipzig

We Are Fire!


Mar Maremoto is a vibrant force of queerness and punk energy. Through her dynamic and emotional artwork, she fearlessly delves into the profound impact of machismo, anguish of fat-shaming, and struggles of not conforming to societal norms.

Maremoto (Mar) is a young illustrator in Mexico City struggling to make sense of a town where 11 women are murdered daily, and 95,000 people have gone missing, with no one held accountable. Her feminist drawings support her community in dealing with the emotional trauma left by the femicides and galvanize them to fight to get the government forces to act. With her work, Mar also creates a safe space for the LGBTQ+ community and teaches self-acceptance. [14 DOC NYC, Ruth Somalo]

about the series DRAW FOR CHANGE!

Cartoonists play a critical role in our world of social media, populism and fake news, offering a unique perspective and voice that can help to cut through the noise and provide clarity in a sea of information. In this digital age of post-truth, the cartoon did not lose any of its power for social commentary and activism. On the contrary.

The series DRAW FOR CHANGE! showcases six female cartoonists from around the globe challenging societal boundaries and norms. In each episode, a cartoonist offers viewers a glimpse into her world, exposing not only the hurdles and perils she faces but also the bravery and wit essential for overcoming them. Filming took place in Mexico, Russia, India, Syria, Egypt [and the US], with each country offering distinct challenges, resulting in six episodes centered on themes like femicide, press freedom, and female representation. This series introduces resilient women who draw because it’s unthinkable not to. Despite job loss, intimidation, or death threats, they persist, contributing to incremental changes in their societies. Each film, directed by a distinguished female director linked to the subject’s country, seamlessly blends documentary, cartoons, and animation.

After an idea of showrunners/cowriters Vincent Coen & Guillaume Vandenberghe, DRAW FOR CHANGE!, written and directed by Alaa Amer, Alisar Hasan, Sama Pana, Anna Moiseenko, Karen Vázquez Guadarrama [and Laura Nix], and produced by Clin d’oeil films (Hanne Phlypo), coproduced by A Bahn (Marion Guth & François Gall), Point du Jour/Les films du balibari (Estelle Robin You) and Ma.ja.de (Heino Deckert) is presented as broadcast episodes (52 minutes RT) and some have an additional feature lenght (70 minutes RT).


Best Documentary Series – Canneseries
#ffg2023 – Film Fest Gent, Belgium


Spittelberggasse 3/14
1070 Wien 07
phone_type_3 +43 670 2087881 http://www.autlookfilms.com


Pfaffendorfer Str. 26
04105 Leipzig
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