
Film Info

2020 | 44 min. Regie: Adrian Schwartz
kein Angebot eingestellt

Im Reich des Squatters


Cairo in the year of 2019. The Garbage City lays hidden under the cliffs of Mukattam mountain therefor our real problem, the origin of all evil, can be forgotten. It is our very own and insatiable pursuit of property that we, the squatter, occupy the planet with. It doesn't help to put up a pitiful, western-socialized view and to travel to one of the self-revealing places of our civilization while making a regrettable film. The solution to this, our very own problem, will only be shown to those who are ready to discover their own beauty in the excretions of everyone. How else could we ever change ourselves if we don't start thinking about all the garbage on which we base our existence? A poetic discussion on garbage and an homage to the work of Michel Serres († June 1, 2019).

Cast & Crew


Filmfest Bremen
Shorts Trinationales Filmfest
Golden Tree Documentary Film Festival
Golden Beggar Documentary Film Festival
Asti International Film Festival
BNP Paribas Green Film Festival
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