
Film Info

Deutschland 2022 | 84 min. Regie: Friedrich Rackwitz
kein Angebot eingestellt


Adalberstrasse 25
80799 München
Tel. +49 89 62502870 http://www.neosfilm.de


Bernd-Eichinger-Platz 1
80333 München



Win Win


Gamification refers to the transfer of knowledge and elements from the games sector to everyday processes that do not involve games, with the aim of allowing tedious and laborious activities to be experienced as games. This is intended to increase motivation and performance.
In the documentary WIN WIN, Friedrich Rackwitz addresses the topic of gamification from three different perspectives:
In a cinematic self-experiment lasting several months, Rackwitz uses a fitness app that is supposed to support him with playful elements to overcome one’s weaker self and achieve real training success.
From an observational perspective, the filmmaker accompanies the development of a gamification app that is intended to help service technicians at the Bosch company bring more joy and productivity to their work.
With the help of an acting coach and real-life accounts from Uber drivers, Rackwitz develops a vivid and condensed picture of how the gamified app motivates people to exploit themselves.
With her own thought experiments, experts from science, business and games development, he creates a multi-perspective view of gamification processes that increasingly influence our thoughts and actions unconsciously and ubiquitously. The film poses the provocative question: How programmable is a human being?

With: Carsten Bündgen, Lena Kauling, Marcus Heuvelmann, Robert Spitz, Anne Sauer, Philipp Reinartz, Mai Huyen Vo Dieu, Gerlinde Lueginger, Noma Keynova, Tuna Ümal
Experts: Sarah Diefenbach, Roman Rackwitz, Philipp Hagspiel, Simon Alger, Christian Montag, Christian Huberts, Sarah Nies, Moritz Dittmeyer, Roberto Simanowski

Cast & Crew


56 IFF Hof
39 IDFF Kassel


Adalberstrasse 25
80799 München
Tel. +49 89 62502870 http://www.neosfilm.de


Bernd-Eichinger-Platz 1
80333 München

Cast & Crew

Friedrich Rackwitz


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