80333 München Tel. +49 89 689570 Fax +49 89 689579900 http://www.hff-muenchen.de
Reality Must Be Addressed
“I have found out that there ain’t no surer way to find out whether you like people or hate them than to travel with them.” Even though Sky and Johanna definitely did not have this quote by Mark Twain in mind, it’s written in the stars of the two young women’s journey through South Africa. A chance acquaintance turns into a relationship that shimmers in all the colours of love. Between Marmite toasts, joints, selfies and music they explore each other inside out. But what happens when the journey ends?In this deeply personal piece, filmmaker Johanna Seggelke chooses a very different approach to its predecessor, “Bibi Must Go” from 2020. She questions herself, her feelings and memories and almost casually unfolds an enchanting coming-of-age story about a love that emerges and fades in the seemingly endless summer. With a light hand, the film maintains the delicate balance between shimmering beauty and incidentality and manages to make the complicated dialectics of intimacy and strangeness palpable. The outstanding montage interweaves feathery holiday videos with an extraordinary score and the director’s sometimes wonderfully quirky, sometimes wise reflections. A delightfully direct film which preserves the rough edges of the moment and at the same time tries to outwit the undeceivability of one’s own emotions – at least for the time it takes to smoke a cigarette. (64 DOK Leipzig, Luc-Carolin Ziemann)
Cast & Crew
- RegieJohanna Seggelke
- ProduzentJohanna Seggelke
- SchnittMarie Zrenner
- Ton
- Musik
2021Young Eyes Film Award – 64 DOK Leipzig
80333 München Tel. +49 89 689570 Fax +49 89 689579900 http://www.hff-muenchen.de