
Katrin Rothe Filmproduktion

Katrin Rothe was born in East Germany. 1990 she moved to Berlin and studied ‚fine art -experimental filmmaking’ at the University of Art Berlin and CSM London. After she founded Karotoons, a Berlin Label who produced animations for TV and internet. Since 2003 she is working as an freelance film-director, and produces her movies since 2012 as well. In all her works she combines animation with other genres, preferably feature length documentaries on social issus.

Katrin Rothe was born in East Germany. 1990 she moved to Berlin and studied ‚fine art -experimental filmmaking’ at the University of Art Berlin and CSM London. After she founded Karotoons, a Berlin Label who produced animations for TV and internet. Since 2003 she is working as an freelance film-director, and produces her movies since 2012 as well.
In all her works she combines animation with other genres, preferably feature length documentaries on social issus.

phone_3: +49 163 4724111

    Katrin Rothe Filmproduktion
    Franz-Mehring-Platz 1
    10243 Berlin [ Friedrichshain ]
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